Image source: ITEA Project Outline Preparation Days 2023. Retrieved fromĀ ITEA Website

ITEA PO Days 2023 in Berlin

We were thrilled to showcase our project, EXPLAIN (EXPLanatory interactive Artificial intelligence for INdustry), during the ITEA Project Outline Preparation Days 2023 in Berlin on September 12-13, 2023. As research scientists from ABB Corporate Research Center Germany in Ladenburg, Gianluca Manca and Fabian Buelow had the privilege to present our collaborative effort with 15 partners in the industrial AI domain. Our project aims to address a pressing issue in the industry: the lack of trust and transparency in AI models, which often hinders their successful implementation.

During the event, we not only shared our vision and objectives but also had the opportunity to showcase a demonstrator of a transformer-based soft sensor integrated with an explainable AI dashboard. This tangible demonstration illustrated our commitment to creating an end-to-end machine learning lifecycle that empowers domain experts to interact with and supervise AI systems and models effectively. By engaging subject matter experts and end-users throughout the process, we are paving the way for greater acceptance and utilization of AI/ML in industrial settings, ultimately improving efficiency and sustainability in Industry 4.0

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