LEAG Workshop on Operator Support Power Plant

From 28. – 30.03, 2023, a gathering of industry experts took place in Lubbenau for the LEAG Workshop on Operator Support Power Plants. Representatives from LEAG, Ginkgo Analytics, ABB, University of Hildesheim, and TU Darmstadt were invited to share their expertise and participate in this immersive event. The workshop aimed to provide an in – depth understanding of the operations and processes involved in the Operator Support Power Plant, which is a crucial work of the Explain Project.

We were given the opportunity to visit the Operator Support Power Plant Simulator. This advanced simulation environment provided a realistic representation of the power plant, allowing operators to train and familiarize themselves with potential scenarios and challenges they may encounter during the Power Plant work flow. The Simulator’s high level of accuracy often led to an immersive experience, making it easy for operators to forget they were not in the actual plant.



Next in line was visiting the Power Plant, where ABB had the chance to present the concept of anomaly detection, and together with the experts was identified a use case focused in creating a prototype that is able to detect issues that could lead into high emissions. 



Another highlight of the workshop was the visit of the Coal Mining field, where we were impressed to see such a remarkable view of the coal mining process, and the excavator from a close distance. It was a fascinating moment to preserve the complexity, dimensions and challenges of the coal mining field. The sight was truly breathtaking.


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